German Muslim scholar - Abu Hamza Pierre Vogel

  • Who started the First World War? Muslims?
  • Who started the Second World War? Muslims?
  • Who Killed about 20 million Aborigines in Australia? Muslims?
  • Who threw nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Muslims?
  • Who Killed more than 100 million Native American Indians in North America? Muslims?
  • Who killed more than 50 million Native American Indians in South America? Muslims?
  • Who took about 180 million African people as slaves and killed 88% of them and threw them in Atlantic Ocean? Muslims?

No they weren't Muslims !!!

First of all, you have to define terrorism properly. If a non muslim do something bad, it is crime. But if a Muslim commit same he is terrorist. So first remove this double standard then come to the point.

The following were not caused by Muslims:

  • The First World War (17 million dead)
  • The Second World War (50-55 million dead)
  • Hiroshima/Nagasaki atomic bombs (200,000 dead)
  • Korean war
  • Bombing the living daylights out of Laos
  • The war in Vietnam (over 5 million dead)
  • The war in Bosnia/Kosovo (over 500,000 dead)
  • War in Iraq (so far, 1,200,000 deaths)
  • Afghanistan war
  • etc., etc. (There's many more we can mention)

You still think that Islam is the problem?!